Rudy The Pit Bull Is Abused And Abandoned And Never Makes It to His Fur-Ever Home.
We read so many horror stories about animal abuse and how they are rescued.
They go on to lead fairly normal lives with people who love them.
However, Rudy’s story does not have that happy ending that we anticipate and hope for.
In New York City, a little pit bull was horribly abused and then stuffed into a plastic bucket and dumped on the side of the road.
Luckily someone found the dog and contacted the animal shelter.
The shelter personnel called S.N.A.R.R. Animal Rescue Northeast who was on their way to pick Rudy up.
S.N.A.R.R. is a wonderful team of loving individuals who specialize in rescuing special needs animals.
They take in dogs that people typically do not want.
Nursing them back to health, they place them in foster homes until they find someone who wants to adopt them.
These dogs are most always at the top of the euthanasia list for shelters.
When S.N.A.R.R. workers arrived to pick up Rudy, he was emaciated, furless, unable to walk due to a fractured front leg, and had holes that went as far down into his body reaching tendons and bones.
It appeared that the abusers burned or poured acid onto the dog where these holes developed.
Through a thorough medical examination, it was discovered his bladder was torn and he had Cushings disease.
Once stable enough to move after treatment, Rudy went into a foster home where he continued to receive medical care.
His foster parents treated him for his Cushings and pampered his skin condition and frail body through warm lavender baths.
Rudy loved his spa baths. He had so much peace as he soaked in the warm healing water.
Of course, he had the full spa experience with endless snacks to enjoy.
The blissfulness of his soothing bath time was evident in how relaxed he was.
He endured surgery on his fractured leg as well as spinal surgery.
With the surgeries behind him, his only means of mobility was through a doggie wheelchair.
His foster mom had a special cushioned stool for Rudy to rest his head on while in his wheelchair when he grew too weak to hold it up.
Regardless of the abundance of medical care, nurturing and love that he received, Rudy grew too weak to continue his fight to live.
In his passing, he left a big void in the hearts of those who cared for him around the clock for 8 months.
We can find joy in knowing that Rudy is frolicking through beautiful meadows with other dogs and is no longer suffering.
Our hope through Rudy’s story is that somehow, it will pierce through the hardened hearts of abusers helping them to realize it’s wrong.
If his story has the power to change at least one life of an abuser, we count it a blessing!

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